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Old 09-02-2019, 09:43 PM   #4
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Re: Cataclysm Splendor Mod

Greetings, A Future Pilot! Welcome to our humble community

Glad to see that you like this mod and have similar opinion about remaster.

However, I didn't come across the same mod for HW:Cataclysm, and I have no plans to create it. There are reasons for this:
  1. I don't like Cataclysm. It certainly has interesting moments and ideas, it has a fairly competent unfolding of a plot, keeping the gamer in constant tension, but it also has fatal flaws.
    • First - it's appeared instead of a dustwars-instalment of Homeworld 2, when a sequel development was moved to another company. As result, we had an irretrievable loss.
    • Second - they made inter-clan feuds a story-forming element, while the first game based on a unity for a common purpose. In compare to its predecessor, this is a huge step back.
    • Third - as the main foe they made a cellular nanovirus, transmitted by a plasma stream of elementary particles and strengthening the ship's armor by squeezing out organic meat. So, instead of science fiction, we got a horror.
    I understand why this happened, but I don't like it at all.
    The site has an article about this topic, where my position is disclosed in more detail. It's in Russian, but Googletrans translates it more or less correctly.

  2. This will require a significant amount of time and effort. To add texture filtering and antialiasing, dozens of patches (short fragments of assembly code) need to be applied onto game exe-file, and also need to find a place in the binary code for huge enough initializing procedures of this abilities.

    The source code is non-necessary, although, of course, it would make this task easier. Also, it's unlikely that the render of the HWC has undergone major changes compared to HW1.

    But it took almost a year to create the first version of the HW1 Splendor Mod. And, for the reasons described above, I'm not ready to spend so much effort for the HWC.

However, to finish on a positive note - I think, it's not too hard to unlock all available screen modes I will see what I can do...
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